The Beginning Pt.2

A follow-up from yesterday's -- The Beginning:


That was kind of intense, I know.

I feel like I am often caught in this conundrum, or this duality, between the light and the dark. The reality and the fantasy.

What I have been told and what I know for sure.

The guilt of having time and the blessing of having time.

The back and forth.

The balance.

Who I was and who I am.

Who I never truly was and who I've always been.


I'm trying to shift this frame of mind, this way of thinking.

How can I convey the depth and the truth and still keep it light?

Is that even possible?

Is it true that I have to continue to consider REALITY and being REALISTIC or is it better to dream?

WHO knows the answer to that?


I do. Don't I?

Between what I have studied, the books, the experience, and the FEELING that fires up my soul -- I feel like I know the truth…but everyone seems to feel differently.

And isn't contrast the point?

In everything that I have read, in what I practice…in the things I BELIEVE…this should be an easy choice. So why isn't it feeling that way?

I believe in the Law of Attraction, I believe that our thoughts create our reality, I believe that we are capable of so much more than we can even wrap our minds around…and yet…I hesitate.


Am I afraid to fail or afraid to succeed?

I think we are more afraid to succeed. I think we are afraid of expansion and what it might mean. We think we know who we are now…but do we? How much time have we really spent understanding ourselves? Have we even fucking asked?


Who ARE you?


You are not your name.

You are not where you came from.

You are not your career.

These things are part of you but not who you are.


I'm asking because I am still trying to answer that question.

If you've read any books by Eckhart Tolle, Joe Dispenza, Abraham Hicks, etc., etc.…you've heard this question before.

It's a mind fuck, but it's one of the best questions you've ever been asked.

Who are you?


As I continue to expand and strip away this fear of being seen, I plan to share my own answer with you.

Right now it feels like the best way that I can describe who I am is;

I am energy. I am energy with a deep desire to witness people healing and becoming who they truly are. I desire for them to feel free and light and loved.

I am human and a soul, who is imperfect and flawed.

I am learning.

I am letting go.

I am doing my best.

I am forgiving.


It's likely that all of those things will change and evolve. A year or a month or a minute from now, I'll probably feel different about defining "who I am"… but I think that's the point.


I'd love for you to share if you feel called.




The Beginning